Our staff is picking the best durian for overseas export 员工精心挑选新鲜榴梿作为出口用途
Step 3
Durians will place on weighing scale after being put inside the box to ensure its equality 员工会将每一粒新鲜榴梿放入箱子,再进行称重确保标准
Step 4
Iced bar will place inside each box to keep the durians freshness 每一箱会放入冰条,维持榴梿新鲜
Step 5
Purpose of adhesive tape on durian stem is to ensure its quality of freshness,while rubber band will tie at the bottom of durian to prevent blasting 出口榴梿枝头都会贴上胶纸确保新鲜度,尾部则绑上塑胶圈以防爆裂
Step 6
Each of the durians will be individually wrapped after groundworks done to prevent odour 之后,我们会为每一粒出口新鲜榴梿进行独立包装,确保没有异味
Step 7
After packing completed,the durians will be deliver to airport and arrive within 24 hours so that you can enjoy its freshness! 包装好后的榴梿将被送往机场啦!顾客会在24小时内收到以确保其新鲜!